This tour we will provide  you a very precise  idea of the oldest Madrid heart The Essential Tour will give you a great overview of the old city. The tour encompasses 16th and 17th-century Madrid, including the grand plazas and traffic arteries that the Habsburg families built to transform a quiet town into a world-class capital. We well take you on a stroll through ‘Essential Madrid’, centering our tour around: Plaza Mayor, The Royal Opera House and the Royal Palace area. We will guide you down medieval streets, across majestic squares and through 1200 years of history. The open-natured people, diverse languages

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The 5 oldest establishments in Madrid:

Pharmacy of the Queen´s Mother 1578 It is known as the Queen´s Mother as this pharmacy was in charge of the Queen, María Cristina, medicine in the Century XIX. However, the establishment has been at 59 Plaza Mayor since the end of the XVI Century. Reconstructed in 1913 by architect Carrasco-Muñoz Encina, it is one of the best examples of Modernism in Madrid. It is unique for its library and formulas of prodigious remedies, such as their red ointment that works against alopecia or their pieces of old fossil that fight tuberculosis. Legend tell us that in his basement there

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